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Face Reading

Face Reading

The face reading is a very interesting subject. You simply observe a person, his mannerism, body language &the shape of his body parts. While conversing his style of talking, his posture of sitting or standing position, where he keeps his hands and positions his legs. After few minutes observation you can read a person like a book.

  • She is an avid reader of the ancient Indian writings on the effects of mantras, use of precious & semiprecious gemstones, Vaidic astrology, & palmistry.
  • There is a description of SAMUNDRA SHASTRA (scripture) in Indian Astrology. Palmistry is a branch of this Samundra Shastra (Science). This science indicates palmistry gestures of working so that it can be recognised even at a distance. There is a continuing flow of information.
  • Whenever the subject approaches to astrologer, his first appearance, his manner & his style of sitting, tells his personal story. His postures indicate all his problems. Although he does not put any questions before the Astrologer the astrologer only pays attention to his behaviour. A good Astrologer never asks any questions, but can understand his problems by seeing his face & observing certain physical sign.
  • Symbols of females in the science of astrology are described by her gait smile, expression of her face, and voice & here way of talking. It is very important to know her nature, character & behaviour. Each part of our body is very important from head to feet, like fingers, hair, nose, lips eyebrow etc. We have or soft & so on. Even the skin of the body & colour counts. It is very interesting to note down everything & then predict & then you will be a successful astrologer.
  • Let us start with foot. If the woman starts her left foot & starts walking, she will enjoy health & happiness in life, whereas if she puts her right foot first, she leads an ordinary life. If her feet are small she does not enjoy her conjugal life (personal). If her toes are straight, dry or have little distance, then also family life won't be good. It gives unhappiness & struggle in life. It is very harmful if the female characters possess more hair on her arms & legs. If the toes are in one line with each other, it is good sign. If the smallest finger is not straight, if touches the earth it is good. If the smallest finger of her hand is short & not straight, it does not present a good sign. Such a female character creates trouble in life. A female character is courageous if the third finger of her feet is
    longer than the second. If the first finger after the thumb is longer, it shows that she is loved her husband. If the thumb of the feet is long, round & look beautiful, she enjoys her husband's love. If she possesses dry, hairy thumb & very small in size, bent or flat to look at, does not give chance to enjoy conjugal happiness.
  • The best female character's hands & feet are soft & fleshy. Their veins do not show, hence this brings happiness in married life.
  • The son whose face resembles his mother's face & a daughter whose face resembles her father's .. It gives fortune to both.

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