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    What is Palmistry?

    Palmistry is the sacred art of foretelling the future by the lines, marks, fingers, nails, size and shape of the hand. Chiromancy relates to reading the lines and markings on the palms, whereas Chirology relates to reading the shape and form of the palms. Chiromancy, comes from the Greek word, chir meaning 'hand' and manteia meaning 'divination', literally meaning "divination through the hand".

    In a sense, your palm is actually a blueprint for your life's journey. Understanding this blueprint enables you to access information not only about future trends, but also about a whole range of 'here and now' issues such as relationships, health, work, money and travel just to name a few. Palmistry is an incredibly accurate tool for self awareness, predicting the future, analysing the past and so much more.

    Palmistry is a method of counselling that originated in India over 3,000 years ago. It is a part of a vast field of study, referred to as Samudrik Shastra, which literally means the ocean of knowledge. Palmistry is a sub-section of Samudrik Shastra and deals specifically with the study of the hand.

    Is palmistry fortune-telling?

    In a word: no. The original intent of palmistry was for personality assessment and counselling. One's emotional tendencies, social attitudes, conscious awareness and subconscious fears, blockages and strengths can be understood in great detail through this in-depth system.

    Can you make predictions through palmistry?

    You cannot make predictions with palmistry. However, since there is a definate mind-body connection, we know that negative or positive thinking affects our well-being. As well, due to our habitual way of thinking, we often repeat the same behaviour in the future as we exhibit in the present. If we can understand the pattern of our habits and thinking, then we can begin to isolate the negative cycles of behaviour and can replace them with positive new ones. Palmistry can help you see these patterns. With this information, you can shape own destiny.

    How does palmistry work?

    Palmistry is best seen as a dynamic process. The lines of the hand are not carved in stone. Since the lines of the hand reflect our thinking, as our attitudes and behaviour patterns change, the lines reflect these changes. The lines physically change as our thinking changes. In fact, you can see distinct changes in as little as three months.

    Which hand do you read?

    It is important to look at both hands during a reading. Depending on which hand is active (usually seen as the hand you write with),in combination with the inactive hand, shows where you have been (passive),and where you are likely headed (active) in this life

    Palmistry - Its Origin:

    There are many beliefs behind the origination of the art of Palmistrybut Palmistry has its roots originated in Greece at the time of Aristotle who discovered the art of Palmistry and after that he gifted this art to Alexander the Great who utilized this art to know the fate of his soldiers as well as his reign. Aristotle has conveyed a very important saying onPalmistry that, "the lines in the palm of a person is not carved without a reason but it conveys the predictions related to our future".

    But according to another belief, Palmistry is traditionally originated in India and has been migrated to Greece, Egypt, Persia and Syria in ancient times. Hence, it is considered as an integral part of Hindu Vedic Astrology. Here comes the origination of Indian Palmistry which has its root in India and has been practiced from a very long time.

    Palmistry : Importance and Significances of Left and Right Hand

    The significances of both hands cannot be neglected but in the vast field of Palmistry, it is assumed that the left hand of an individual shows his potential while the right hand shows his realistic personality. Right hand shows the future of a person while left hand shows the past. It is believed by the famousPalm Readers, that a person is born with his left hand but his right hand is what he has made of it which means that the left hand represents what the God has given to us while the Right hand represents what we have done for our future.

    Apart from the hands, each line carved in our palm has its own importance in deciding the fate of our life. Let's discover what the seven most important lines in our palm represent:
  • Heart line: The heart line is situated on the top of the palm under the fingers. According to the interpretation of Palmists, this line represents matters of heart including our emotional feelings. It represents the emotional sides of our mind frames. For example: A gridded Heart lines represents that the person is very nervous and highly strung.
  • Life line: The life line is situated from edge of the palm above the thumbs proceeding towards the wrist. According to the interpretations ofpalmists, this line is used to represent an individual personality, vitality, physical health and general well being. It represents our major life changes and cataclysmic events of our life.
  • Head Line: The head line is situated at the edge of the palm under the index finger proceeding towards the outside edge. According to the interpretations of palmists, it represents an individual's mind and the way it works which includes our communication style, our learning style and our intellectualism.
  • Health Line: The Health Line is situated at the bottom of the Palm near the wrist proceeding towards the little finger. According to the interpretations, this line represents the health issues related to a person which he may face in his future.
  • Marriage Line: The Marriage lines are short horizontal lines that are situated on the percussive edge of the palm between the heart line and the bottom of the little finger. According to the interpretations, these lines represent close relationships and marital issues related with a person's life.
  • Fate Line: The Fate line is situated at the bottom of the palm near the wrist passing through the center of the palm proceeding towards the middle finger. According to the interpretations of the Palmists, this line represents an individual life path including his career, successes and obstacles.
  • Sun Line: The Sun line is situated under the ring finger and according to the interpretations; it represents fame or scandal related to a person's life.

    All these lines have very significant impact on an individual destiny and hence, it is necessary for an expert Palmists to make a detailed study of each line found on the Palm. Recently, the examinations of these Palmistry lines is inclusive of the medical research which correlates the genetic factors and abnormalities to the lines found in our Palm.

    Palmistry : Discover some famous Books and Renowned Palmists

    As Palmistry is practicing since many years, many books have been written on this majestic art to help you explore some of its unseen facts. Let's have a look at the below mentioned books to level your intensity of curiosity:

    > The Spellbinding Power of Palmistry: It is a very renowned book ofPalmistry which is written by a world class experienced Palmist Johny Fincham. This book reveals some of the unseen facts of the art ofPalmistry.

    > Hamilton's Palmistry Encyclopedia: This is a very famous book written by a very experienced Palmist Hamilton and it covers all basic aspects of Palmistry such as hand types, mounts, lines, fingerprints and even Dermatoglyphics.

    > Campbell's Encyclopedia of Palmistry: This book is one of the most popular books of Palmistry which is written by famous Palmist Campbell and it is really worthwhile for hand readers to learn the various approaches of this amazing art.

    > Lal Kitab (Red Book) of Palmistry: Lal Kitab is a treatise containing astrology, palmistry, phrenology, vastu and various other occult sciences. The first edition of Lal Kitab that came out in 1938 talks extensively aboutpalmistry and its relationship with various signs. Check our Lal Kitab section for further information.

    > Marriage Line: The Marriage lines are short horizontal lines that are situated on the percussive edge of the palm between the heart line and the bottom of the little finger. According to the interpretations, these lines represent close relationships and marital issues related with a person's life.

    > Book of Palmistry by Chiero: the Palmistry book written by Chiero is also one of the most popular books of Palmistry in which every skills practiced in Palmistry is well explained so that it can be easily learned.

    > Book of Palmistry by Benhem: This book of Palmistry has been written by one of the most famous Palmists Benhem and it is one of the most renowned book of Palmistry all over the world. The book has covered all important aspects of Palmistry and has revealed all the true facts ofPalmistry and hence it has been listed among the top ten renowned books of Palmistry.

    Reading marriage or love on thepalm

    Surely, marriages are made in heavens but lines in the palm tell a lot about your love life. Marriage ties two individuals in one knot. The successful marriage indicates deep bonding between couple.

    "The marriage line on palms can forecast a lot about your conjugal life. It predicts the love and affection of two persons. One should take into account the mounts of Venus and heart line before predicting anything about it. The first condition is line of heart should be very clear for successful marriage. The mounts of Venus should be strong enough to have romantic and good sexual life.

    Origin of marriage line: Marriage line is located just below the little finger and above the origin point of the heart line.

    How to know about age of marriage?

    It can be calculated by the distance from heart line and the base line of little finger , the distance being estimated fifty years:

    > If marriage line is in the middle of this distance it means marriage is around 25 years of age and nearer the marriage line to heart line, the earlier is the age of marriage. Indications of successful marriage life

    > A clear long line of marriage without any break or presence of island means an extremely successful married life. A long and happy relationship.

    > It is to be noted that only strong line indicates marriage. The presence of few small lines nearby deep line only indicates romantic relationship.c

    > A relationship with two people at the same time, the relative depths of the relationships being indicated by the strength of the lines

    > If marriage line starts with a fork it possibly indicates towards delay or frustration at the start of a relationship

    > If marriage line ends with fork means possible ends with separation

    > If it is crossed by girdle of Venus it means partner is nagging Other important things about marriage line

    > Little importance is attached to the Lines of Union known as 'Marriage Lines' on the palm

    There are four places on the palm from which marriage is to be read carefully and they are as follows:

    > The Mount of Mercury: The Line on the Mount of Mercury should be fairly long and clear and easily traceable. Shorter lines indicate only an influence amorous relationship. A line or lines that are parallel to the heart line are called lines of the union, and are popularly known as lines of the marriage.

    > Lines rising from the Line of Life

    > A cross on the Mount of Venus.

    Lines coming from the Mount of the Moon and touching the Line of Fate. These lines should not intersect.

    Understand Palmistry Line

    Design plays a critical role in everything you see around. Anything and everything that our eyes see are related to some aspect of design be it aeroplane or building or attires. Design of the life is also imprinted on the palms of the hand. If you are an astute observer of lines in the palms you can tell a lot of life of a man.

    Scientists have not been able to answer about significance of lines in the palms and they consider it as a result of elasticity .But real meaning and significance of palm lines are deciphered by palmist. Palmistry is of the view that each line is surrounded by an atmosphere of a mysterious force. Every mount and every sign conveys some aspect of life of the person. For example, the finger of Jupiter connects and communicates with the rest part of the world.

    Line of heart controls the blood circulation and the line of head sends to the brain the fluid received from this mount.

    Deeper significance of lines in Palmistry

    Palm lines of whatever shape they are helps in determining the speed of the life force.Deeper lines are indication of accomplishment and success and thin broken lines cause obstruction. As per palmistry every person contains 7 chief lines and 12 secondary lines.

    Chief lines in the palmistry:

    Heart line, head line, life line, sun line, fate line, health line, marriage line are considered main lines in the palm. Palmistry can tell about link of heart diseases with the acute study of heart line on your hand.

    Head line: It starts almost from the line of life at its starting point and then moves towards the heart line just below the second finger and then traverses across the palm increasing the space between them until it terminates. Straight and stiff head lines are indicative of practical nature of person in the worldly matter.

    Heart line: It germinates from the mount of Jupiter and runs across the palm just above the line of the head and terminates at the percussion. If the position of heart line is close to the base fingers then it is indicative of jealous and passionate nature of person. Life line: It starts from the mount of venues at the base of the thumb. Shorter the line, shorter is the life and vice-versa is also true. If the line is not uniform then it is precursor of fickle nature and uneven state of health.

    Fate Line: It germinates from the wrist of the hand and runs opposite to the life line. Absence of lifeline signifies struggling and unjestful, uneventful life. If it is straight and good upward the heart line then it means good fortune comes at the old age. Health Line: It starts its journey from the little finger and travels across the palm towards the bottom of the thumb. One of the interesting aspects of health line is that there is no fixed origination point of this line.

    Sun Line: Apollo line or sun line is also known as supporter of fate line or sister line of fate line. It originates from the Rascette, travels upwards between the mounts of the venus and moon and terminates at the sun mount.

    Marriage line: It cuts the percussion horizontally on the side of the hand between the heart line and the base of the fourth finger. It indicates about life of person.

    The Elementary or lowest type

    Physical Characteristics

    It is coarse and clumsy with large, thick and heavy palm. Fingers and nails are short. Thumb is also very short and thick. The palm carries few lines and there is very little to be seen on the palm.

    Personal Characteristics

    Such people displays a lack of enthusiasm and have no imagination. They are concerned only with daily existence. This person is largely intolerant of a nasty situation, and can get violent when provoked. They possess a certain low cunning instinct. These are people without aspiration. Simply they eat, drink, sleep, and die.


    The persons having this type of hand are mainly laborers and are involved in violent sports, like boxing.

    The Philosophic or the wisdom type hand
    Physical Characteristics

    The fingers of this hand are flattened like a spatula. The most characteristic feature is the large and broad thumb. It is extremely broad near the base and tapers towards the fingers. It is usually found crooked and irregular.

    Personal Characteristics

    The most striking characteristic is of their independence of spirit. The same spirit makes them explorers and discoverers. They follow their own rules of engineering and machines to seek the unknown. They have a quest for knowledge. They are energetic. These people are highly individualistic. Such people break all the rules of set mechanism if they are in the field such as singer or actors, doctor or preacher because they have their way of looking at things.


    People with this hand are mainly inventors, artisans, creators and genius, explorers, navigators, astronauts, and engineers.


    This hand is considered as the most useful hand. This hand as a whole comprises square palm, square fingers and nails. This hand carries a large thumb.

    The nature of such people is of what, why, how? The majority of such people is male i.e. around 80%. They are target oriented people. They are not talkative type. This is one of the best hands. Sun, Mars and Mercury are mainly their ruling planets.

    Such people are most practical and logical. They are honest, reliable, orderly, punctual and precise in manner. They lead most disciplined life. They avoid imaginative ideas and love practical things. They respect the authority or the rule. They respect law and order. They follow the customs and trends. They are determined in opposition but are not quarrelsome. They prefer reasoning to instinct, peace to war. They are methodical and systematic in work and habit.

    They are fond of exact sciences and practical studies. They are generally in agriculture or commerce. Such people love home and homely duties. They are honest businessmen, true friends, principled people and true in promises.Such people are mainly businessmen, scientists, doctors, engineers, executives, lawyers or technicians.


    This hand is considered as the artistic hand. The fingers are generally smooth and nails are of the shape of cones, hence the name. This hand has some mixture of square hand i.e. the palm is bit broad, thick and large and thumb huge.

    Such people by nature are impulsive and artistic instincts. They are sensitive and emotional. They are dreamers. They are clever, quick in thoughts and ideas. They have not patience. They tire easily. They can not carry long term plans. Such hand is mostly found in Bengal territory. Such people love art and craft. They have superb communication skill. They are sensual by nature. They are easily swayed by the people they come in contact. They carry their likes and dislikes to extremes. They are generally short-tempered but soon calm down. They are generous and sympathetic but selfish also where their own comfort is concerned.

    People of such hand are mainly painters, sculptors, musician or poets i.e. all creative fields. Such hands are generally pink, soft with many lines on palm. If the hand is less flexible, they rise to a good height.


    The mixed hand is most difficult to define. It is a combination of all types of hands described above. This hand is a mixture of different classes such as artistic, useful or practical hand, philosophical and elementary, psychic or conic hands.

    The fingers in this hand also carry the same traits such as one spatulate, one square, one philosophic or one conic etc. Such people have a variety of ideas and their application. They are versatile and clever but erratic in application of their talents.

    Such hand is very common and frequently found everywhere and in every society.


    A bunch of bones nearly 14 when joined together give a shape to the palm. These bones are very small. The finger part of the palm is made of three bones and thumb made of 2 bones and the upper part of the fingers and thumb is protected by nails. The palm extends from wrist to the base of the fingers and thumb. The whole portion from the wrist to the first phalange of the fingers and thumb is called the 'Hand'.

    There are many lines on the palm either thin or thick, big or small, fine or rough which indicate the life force of an individual. The clear and deep lines indicate success while broken and thin lines indicate negativity and failure in one's life. The palm consists of four prominent lines which are Life Line, Head Line, Heart Line and Fate Line.

    There are four types of palm namely Wide, Too Wide, Narrow, Square.

    Wide Palm:

    The wide palm indicates good health, stout body and evenly balanced structure of the body. The wide palm consists of good proportion of palm vis-a-vis fingers.

    Too Wide Palm:

    Such palm is more thick and heavy than the wide palm with exaggerated Mounts of Venus, Moon Mars, Jupiter and Mercury. Such people have violent and rash temperament, deceiving instincts and vicious imagination towards others which even include their near and dear.

    Narrow Palm:

    Narrow palm means a palm which is more longer than its width. Little space is left therefore for development of Moon, Mars and Mercury mounts. Such people lack good imagination, good IQ level and cheerfulness. They are generally escapist and run away from responsibilities.

    Square Palm:

    Such palm is generally equal in length and breadth. Such people are practical and active in nature. They do more of physical activity than mental. They are good organizers and managers. Such people have strong Mars and Jupiter.


    Whenever a Palmist reads a palm, he not only reads the palm alone but also the essential part which draws his full attention is 'fingers' in a hand. Fingers have four essential traits which are to be read together i.e. length of fingers, phalanges of the fingers, setting of the fingers and shape of the fingers.

    Evenly set fingers are very rare to be seen but whenever such setting is seen it can be safely predicted that such people are one of their and extremely successful people.

    Uneven setting of fingers and especially the mercury finger if very low show that such people lack confidence.

    Setting of the fingers if arch-shaped shows that the person is well balanced and thoughtful.

    There are four fingers in a hand namely Index (first), Middle (second), Ring (third) andLittle (fourth). Relation of fingers with planets is established as below.

    Index finger - Jupiter

    Middle finger - Saturn

    Ring finger - Sun

    Little finger - Mercury

    Mounts play great role in palmistry. Each finger has its own mount below itself. The more fleshy the mount is, more developed that trait is of the person.

    Index Finger:

    This finger represents desire for recognition in a person and ego of the person. This finger indicates fortune and career. Its length is considered normal if it reached the middle of the first phalange of Middle finger. If it is longer than the normal it makes a leader and director. If it is shorter it tends to make you back bencher and let others control you. If Index finger is long the Jupiter is considered strong and vice versa. If Ring finger is longer than Index finger it is then very much true.

    People with long index finger have desire to dominate over others and keen to advance in life. Smaller index finger makes a person less ambitious and a follower of others. If a person has short index finger he likes to work alone or becomes self employed. He becomes shy, afraid he will fail and inclined to have self-doubts.

    Middle Finger:

    The Middle finger is also called the finger of Saturn. It represents the traits of Saturn in a person.

    If the middle finger is remarkably long, such people prefer seclusion and remain aloof from others. They live in their own world. They get involved in some anti-social activities also.

    If this finger is normal i.e. longer than other fingers but not much long, then that person has enough sense of responsibility. They treat others seriously and believe in getting ahead.

    A person who has small middle finger is careless and prefer generally not to work.

    Ring Finger:

    This finger is also called the Ring of Apollo and Ring of Sun. This ring indicates about a person's desire for name and fame and it makes a person a leader or head of the organization. It also relates to intelligence. Long Ring Finger denotes creative nature. Such people go well in the field of fashion designing and Arts. Long finger also denotes about risk taking habits such as gambling or speculative tendencies of a person. Long Ring finger will be considered only when it is longer than index finger.

    A person with small ring finger does not desire for fame and ostentation and does not take any risk. Such fingers i.e. short ring fingers are rarely found.

    Little finger:

    This finger is called the Finger of Mercury. It represents wit and eloquence and one's ability to communicate. The finger is of normal length if it is up to the end of the first phalange of ring finger. If it is below that point it is considered small. A person with small little finger can not speak out his mind and suffers from an inferiority complex. Such people can not control their words or emotions.

    A long little finger is indicative of talent within. Such people are able to express themselves very well and they put forth their point of contention well. Such people have good I.Q. level and come up as good writers and speakers.

    A short finger indicates childlike behaviour and low intelligence level. In some cases a person becomes a victim of child abuse. Such people lack the ability to influence others.

    Thick base of the little finger makes a person interested in material and sensual world and person prefers an easy and comfortable life.

    Tip: Little finger if stands apart from the Ring finger then you tend to be independent.

    Major indications of different fingers -

    Index Finger: Ambition, Self-esteem and Desire to lead.

    Middle Finger: Responsible.

    Ring Finger: Fame, Intelligence and Creativity.

    Little Finger: Wit, Communication power, Health and Professionalism.

    The Thumb:

    Thumb represents the whole hand and utmost importance is given to it in identifying a person. Apalmist must read the thumb before reading the lines. Thumb indicates life energy and will power of a person. A thumb has two phalanges. First phalange indicates will power in a person whereas second phalange indicates logic. First phalange should be shorter than the second phalange because will power must be less than the logic. A decision must be based on the logic not on whims and fancies.

    A long thumb is a good indication in a hand because it makes a person capable of taking good decisions but very long thumb is not considered good. A thumb if straight makes a person tough, rigid, determined, reliable but such people have no friends due to their rigidity. More flexible thumb makes a person less trustworthy & spendthrift. Due to their flexible nature they have more friends but can not be managers of head of any organization as they do not stand to their words.

    They are not capable of achieving long term goals. They only know how to enjoy life and are never serious in life. Hence, it can be safely said that less flexible thumb is the best thumb.

    Thumb opening also gives an indication of the personality of a person. If opening of the thumb is sixty percent it indicates that the person is careful. If it is ninety percent then the person takes risk but remains judicious. If it goes beyond ninety percent to say 120 percent, the person is more prone to risk and the risk remains uncalculated and rash.

    A person with waist-type thumb has less physical power, but in arguments they are powerful.

    A high set thumb indicates about meanness in money matters whereas low set thumb denotes generosity. Pointed tip thumb indicate creativity and intelligence. A wide thumb makes a person obstinate. A squarish fore part of the thumb makes a person clever in legal matters, a true leader and a realist.

    Shape of fingers and their effects:

    Long and slim fingers signify emotional nature of a person. Heavy fingers show more of physical activities.

    Conical fingers denote sensitivity and such people take care of their looks and appearance more.

    Pointed fingers represent spiritualism. Such people are more of imaginative type and cautious. They are flexible by nature.

    They love nature and its beauty.

    People having square fingers are business minded, rational, practical and down-to-earth. They are conventional and conservative in behaviour.

    People with spatulate fingers are realist, adventurers, travellers and prefer outdoor life. They value work and have good command over many subjects and have in depth knowledge over the matter. Scientists, engineers, technicians and high-end workers have such fingers.

    A person with straight fingers is considered honest, diligent, energetic and judicious by nature. They do well in life.

    People with knotty fingers are extremely practical and great planners. They are straight forward many a times.

    Fingers in general represent our thoughts. A long fingered person is analytical and academic and goes in details of the things.


    Mount of Jupiter is situated at the base of the index finger. It represents god power, leadership, self-worth, ambition, religion, love of nature, honour, organization and authority. The developed form of Mt of Jupiter reveals an ambitious and dominating nature.

    Persons with well-developed mount of Jupiter are learned, helpful, religious minded and have godly qualities. All the Judges of various Courts are supposed to have well-developed Mount of Jupiter.

    Persons with under -developed mount of Jupiter have somewhat different qualities and lack the above qualities. They have ordinary physique but smiling faces. They love self respect and reputation and give secondary preference to wealth. Their attitude is soft towards the opposite sex and give more attention to them.

    Persons with no mount of Jupiter give little respect to their parents and elders and are found in the company of low class people.

    Persons with over developed mount of Jupiter are selfish and egotist.


    Mount of Saturn is situated at the bottom of the middle finger popularly known as Finger of Saturn. It is one of the most important mounts as it is indicative of extraordinary tendencies.

    Person with well developed mount of Saturn are responsible and wise people. They are very fortunate and grow in their career manifold. Such people rise in their life very high with their own efforts. They totally get engrossed or involved in their work and sometimes neglect their family.

    Persons with highly developed mount of Saturn have suicidal tendencies. They generally fall in the category of criminals such as decoits, robbers, cheats, murderers.

    Persons with no mount of Saturn have no importance in their life. Such persons have very few friends in their life.

    The Mount of Saturn represents sanity, sobriety, introversion and karmic events such as good or bad luck.


    Mount of Sun is situated at the base of the ring finger and lies on the upper part of the heart line. It represents self-confidence, kindness and grandeur.

    Person with well developed mount of Sun becomes a genius and famous. They are of cheerful nature and work in close co-operation with friends. This mount when developed represents artistic side in us.

    Persons with under-developed mount of Sun would love beauty but such people would not gain a success in this field.

    Persons with no mount of Sun leads a very ordinary life. They would be a boring, dull, selfish and stupid fellow.

    Persons with over developed mount of Sun would be very proud, pompous, extravagant, arrogant, a flatterer and never be successful.


    Mount of Mercury is situated at the base of the little finger. It represents materialistic prosperity and affluence. People who carry a good mount of Mercury are able to sell themselves, have good communication skill quickness, good connection as well as writing and mathematical abilities. Person having well developed mount of Mercury would be interested in inventions and scientific works. He will be of a warm and receptive nature. If the mount has a square mark on it then such a person would be a criminal of higher order. People with prominent mount are expert in Psychology and know how to influence others. They gain success in business. They are after money and their main aim is to amass wealth.

    Persons with under -developed mount of Mercury would be a criminal of first order. They believe in breaking the law. Such people are loner.

    Persons with no mount of Mercury passes his life in poverty and lack of means.

    Persons with over developed mount of Mercury are clever and crafty and are adept in cheating. Sometimes the Mount of Mercury has few vertical lines that are called the Lines of Affection/Union. These lines indicate the number of deep emotional links or significant relationships in a person's life.


    Mount of Mars is located between the head line and beginning of the heart line. People having prominent Mars zone have good health and great energy. They do not fall ill so easily i.e. their immune system remains strong. Mars represents war. Persons who have the Mount of Mars on their palms become courageous, fearless and frank.

    Person with well developed mount of Mars are powerful, fearless and courageous. They have firmness and a balance in life

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